May has us celebrating:
Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day!.
Monthly Site Events:
May 1st- Zephyr had a Spaghetti Bingo Luncheon
May 5th- Cinco de Mayo
May 7th- Z RAO meeting 11am
May 8th- Z RA Social 1pm
May 10th- Strawberry Carmen's take out lunch 12 noon, Social 1pm with 50/50 drawing
May 12th- Happy Mother's Day to all our Residents
May 18th- Armed Forces Day- Pleas remember all our current and past service people
May 27th- Memorial Day- Rental Office Closed- Be safe when celebrating the holiday
Monday's Z Bingo 5:30-7:30pm
S Exercise 10am
Tuesday's Z NNCTC 9-12noon
Z Rummy card Ladies 10-12
S NNCTC 1:30-4:30pm
S Card Ladies 2-5pm
S Poker Men 2-4pm
Wednesday's S Exercise 10am
S Bingo 1:30-3pm
Thursday's Z NNCTC 9-12noon
Z Rummy card Ladies 10-12
S NNCTC 1:30-4:30pm
S Card Ladies 2-5pm
S Poker Men 2-4pm
Friday Z Shuffle Board 1-3