Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Zephyr and Strawberry Resident dress up for Halloween 2013

Carlton of Strawberry Patch and Barbara of Zephyr Apartments had a great time dressing up for Halloween. Carlton went to the Northampton Senior Center for a big Halloween Costume Luncheon. 
Barbara went to the local dinner for breakfast . 

Strawberry Resident Helen wins one Billion Dollars

10/29/13 Strawberry Patch Village resident Helen won her second  Billion Dollars playing Hoyle  Computer Casino. She won her first Billion in October 2012. When asked what she would do if she actually won a Billion she replied, "go to the Casino".  The most annoying thing is having to start to build your till up so you can bet #1000 at a time. We wish her luck and hope that Helen wins her third Billion by 10/29/2014.

Zephyr Resident Receives Award

Resident Kris Hillard, has won 2013 scholarships from The Michaels Org, NAHMA Scholarship, and as of 10/18/13 received the 2013 Goodwill Treasures Honoree award. Kris got up to receive her plaque and was surprised when her acceptance speech, made in front of 300 people, earned her a standing ovation. We wish Kris well in her Photography and encourage her to keep up the good work.