Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Out with the Old and in with the New...

Year that is. Say goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012. Just when we were getting used to writing 2011 in 4 days its going to be 2012. I hope this posting finds you all happy and healthy.

Strawberry Patch' Christmas Social was fun, Elaine accompanied us on the organ while the residents sang.
The banquet table was full of baked goods, the chinese auction items were plentiful, and the conversation was lively.

Zephyr Apartments Christmas Luncheon Social was tastey. The chinese auction and door prize were greeted by smiling faces.

All resident recieved a black tote with the site names on it for Christmas.

 Neighborhood Networks Center at both sites new computers, desks and programs. The old computers, programs and desks were offered to the residents at a very low cost. 4 residents at Strawberry and 2 at Zephyr took the old machines and are puttig them to good use. The new computers are wonderful!

I would like to extend to everyone a Happy and Healthy  2012.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Strawberry & Zephyr July Hot Dog Socials

Both Strawberry & Zephyr had a great turn out.  The day was warm but the community rooms were cool. Updates were given on the health status of a few residents. August 2011 Neighborhood Netowrks Week plans were announced Heritage Ethnic Food Sampling; breakfast foods for Zephyr and desserts and easy main dishes for Strawberry, hot and cold samples are welcome.  I asked that all residents come and sample what I will make and that they bring a dish and recipe to share of their own.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Social Updates

June weather has arrived cool and has started heating up. Join your local pool and keep cool! Don't forget to keep hydrated, drinking is very important. As well as small light meals.
  • Zephyr Apartments had a very successful yard sale June 4th. There was lots  of traffic stopping, as there were many yard sales in the neighborhood. Go Zephyr Resident Association. Thank you to Tiny who is always a tremendous help, and the other volunteers that helped that beautiful cool day. Zephyr's Father's Day Social combo Ice cream Social June 8th was very nice and intimate.
  • Strawberry Patches Social is June 11th. We are hoping to have a great turn out. 
  • The Strawberry Patch Afternoon Delights group has a  Alex's Lemonade Stand it opened 6/1 and we have had a great response. Just Born Candy Company, through a Strawberry Resident and her friend, lent us their Alex's Lemonade Stand for the summer and donated Alex's Mike and Ike's. We are also doing a raffle for the NEW not for sale yet Mike & Ike Green Alex Tee, size XL. So if you are in the area of Whitehall,PA  come visit our stand any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 1-4pm from 6/1 to 8/31, or e-mail me at strawberss@entermail.net for our event number to make a text or on-line donation to Alex's Lemonade Stand.  The Ladies offer Lemonade, Raspberry Iced Tea, Fruit Punch, Pink Lemonade, whatever is available any day you may join us. The drink cost is by donation, we also sell baked goods and bottles of water to raise more money. Don't forget to purchase a raffle for the Mike & Ike Alex Lemonade Tee Shirt.

Friday, May 13, 2011

April Showers bring May flowers

May found us with our Mother's Day Socials: Strawberry had theirs on May 6th, we had a sheet cake and cut fruit..Zephyr had their social on May 11th with a sheet cake and cookies. Attendees of both socials went home with a mug planted with a spider plant. The mugs were previous donations from our residents. The spider plants are from the Mother plant in Strawberry's green house. Both Socials had Manor Care presentations and Blood Pressure checks. Rachael presented Pennsylvania facts and Nutrition Facts for Seniors.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Alex's Lemonade Stand

Is coming June 1st to August 31, 2011, 1-4pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Our group name is the Strawberry Patch Afternoon Delights. All monitary Donations are accepted. We are  looking for donations of drink mixes, baked goods or the ingredients to make them on site, volunteers for the table and to make the pitcher's of Lemonade, Fruit Punch and Iced Tea. Summer is a wonderful time for our Seniors residents come out and spend time in our COOL community room and socialize. I am looking forward to surpassing our donation goal of $300.

Mother's Day May Socials & News

   Our Residents had a wonderful time at Strawberry Patch (April 6th)and Zephyr (April 11th) Socials for Mother's Day. We ate cake, gave out Spider plants to each resident that came to the social. The plants were  planted in mugs that were donated by our residents. Each person  present also received a purple or pink carnation. Manor Care did blood pressure checks at both locations during our Mother's Day Social and Rachel from Manor Care, presented a Pennsylvania Trivia game and Nutrition Trivia with chap stick prizes.
    Games day at Strawberry on a Thursday Afternoons 1-2:30pm is a success. 3 gentlemen and 1 woman play poker for pennies. They are a hoot, listening to them reminise about the old days brings a smile to everyone in the room. While another groups of ladies play rummy, bean bag toss or just gab.
    It's nice to have our residents in our community room making noise, laughing and having fun.
The Seniors exercise to Senior friendly tapes, which has gone from 2 mornings a week to 3, we have a core 6-7 ladies that come faithfully depending on their busy schedules.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March's Corned Beef Luncheons

Strawberry and Zephyr both had Corned Beef Luncheon's in March. Residents and Staff enjoyed a home made meal of Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Potatos made by Social Services Coord. Donna Rama. Donna also made Irish soda bread and White soda bread from traditional on-line recipes, the lace cookies were wonderful also.
Zephyr Residents had the added treat of a sheet cake from a Agnes who turned 90 on St. Pat's day. She was not up to coming to the luncheon but Residents and Staff made her feel much better when they surprised her at her door to sing Happy Birthday. We enjoyed singing to her so much and seeing her reaction, we decided to incorporate it in our monthly Resdient Association/Social Services Meetings Socials.