Thursday, January 29, 2015

Computer Center News for February 2015

Computer Center Hours are changing.
Donna is flipping the schedule around as of February 2nd.
  1. Tuesdays 9am to 12 noon at Strawberry Patch Village       
  2. Tuesdays 1:30 to 4:30pm at Zephyr Apartment

  1. Thursdays 9am to 12 noon at Strawberry Patch Village   
  2. Thursdays 1:30 to 4:30pm at Zephyr Apartment        
We hope to see more of your at our Center.

I'm OK program

 We are looking for more residents to keep our I'm OK volunteers busy!

This program was brought to us years ago by the Red Cross. It is FREE and is to help keep you safe and give your family peace of mind in knowing that you are ok, everyday, and that someone is checking on you daily.
  • It's simple, call Donna in the Rental Office 610-264-5652 for an application packet and door placard.
  • Zephyr Residents put the I'm OK placard on your door knob by 9 or 10 am daily and by 10:30 or 11am the program monitor (usually a person on your floor or a building volunteer) has turned it around for you to take in and repeat the process the next day.
  • Strawberry Patch Residents have a daily 9 or 10 am phone call monitor, instead of door placards as their unit doors are outside. Many residents like this at Strawberry Patch as the monitor is the only person they talk to daily.
  • Zephyr residents if for any reason your placard is not on your door knob the monitor will knock on your door, then call you and then call the Rental Office for a Staff member (Monday to Friday when the Rental Office is open) to open your door to check on you.
  •  Zephyr Residents if it is a weekend/holiday your emergency contact person will be called to check on you and make sure you are ok.
  •  Strawberry Patch Residents if you don't answer your phone on the first call you will be called at 15 minute intervals, then the Rental Office is called Monday to Friday or your emergency contact is called on weekends and holidays.
This system works and has gotten MANY residents the help they needed in a timely manner. So I urge you all to sign up for this FREE service.

Senior Life- Bethlehem tour

As we started a New Year we wish everyone a happy and healthy one. I started the New Year off having Linda and Physical Therapist Jason come to Strawberry and Zephyr.  To teach our seniors chair exercise at our January socials. Linda has scheduled exercise with both sites until April offering senior exercises to keep us limber and moving. I was invited to tour and eat lunch at Senior Life in Bethlehem, PA. What a nice experience. The morning room was active with all the seniors participating in music appreciation, that days feature artist was Elvis. Everyone was excited for lunch and the early return home due to the impending snow that was expected that evening. The staff were warm and friendly, many helping those seniors that needed one on one help. It was nice to see one of our residents that attends the center. Senior Life staff are anxiously awaiting the completion of their new, larger and updated center which is being built on Airport Road. The new site will be able to cater to more seniors as their the Senior Life program grows.
Please check out the web site for further information

Rules and Regulations Regarding Extended Absences

For those that need clarification of extended apartment unit absences per HUD regulations and Lease Agreements signed yearly.

This is an excerpt from your Lease Agreement and HUD regulations:

       The Lease Agreement and HUD regulations assume you will be physically present and occupying your apartment unit in a regular and consistent manner. The provisions of the Lease Agreement state that you must live in the apartment and the apartment unit must be your only residence. If for any reason you will be absent from your apartment for a period of ten (10) or more days, you must immediately contact the site manager and advise the manager of the circumstances of your absence and the amount of time you expect to be absent from your apartment unit. An "extended absence" is grounds for termination of the Lease Agreement. An extended absence is defined as the tenant being absent from the unit for longer than sixty (60) consecutive days, for any reason whether voluntary  or involuntary in nature, including, but not limited to, imprisonment, vacation, bereavement or illness. Any extended absence will be considered an abandonment of the apartment unit and a material and substantial violation of the Lease Agreement, subject to legal action to pursue termination of tenancy.

      In the event your absence is either voluntary or involuntary in nature, such as bereavement or incarceration, and your absence from the apartment unit exceeds sixty(60) days, then your Lease Agreement will terminate as you are no longer living in your apartment unit. In the event you are hospitalized for more than sixty (60) continuous days and you submit written verification of your hospitalization, then management will review your situation in making a determination concerning the termination  of your Lease Agreement, however, if your hospitalization is longer than one hundred eighty (180) continuous days, such hospitalization will be considered and extended absence subjecting your Lease Agreement to termination. During any absence, rental payments must be made in a timely manner.