Our Residents had a wonderful time at Strawberry Patch (April 6th)and Zephyr (April 11th) Socials for Mother's Day. We ate cake, gave out Spider plants to each resident that came to the social. The plants were planted in mugs that were donated by our residents. Each person present also received a purple or pink carnation. Manor Care did blood pressure checks at both locations during our Mother's Day Social and Rachel from Manor Care, presented a Pennsylvania Trivia game and Nutrition Trivia with chap stick prizes.
Games day at Strawberry on a Thursday Afternoons 1-2:30pm is a success. 3 gentlemen and 1 woman play poker for pennies. They are a hoot, listening to them reminise about the old days brings a smile to everyone in the room. While another groups of ladies play rummy, bean bag toss or just gab.
It's nice to have our residents in our community room making noise, laughing and having fun.
The Seniors exercise to Senior friendly tapes, which has gone from 2 mornings a week to 3, we have a core 6-7 ladies that come faithfully depending on their busy schedules.