Strawberry Patch Village wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy & Health New Year!
Strawberry Patch Village and Zephyr Apartments Neighborhood Networks- Whitehall, Pennsylvania Neighborhood Networks-Computer Training Center is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development initiative that promotes self-sufficiency and delivers computer access for low to moderate income residents living in privately-owned HUD insured and assisted multifamily housing.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Tree Trimming
Zephyr Christmas Tree decorated by the Zephyr Elves |
Strawberry Patch Village Elves from left- Betty, Marie, Alice and Hilda |
Zephyr and Strawberry Patch Village Elves decorated their trees for the 2013 Holiday Season. Zephyr will be celebrating with a Hamburger BBQ Luncheon made by the Zephyr Resident Association Cooks. Strawberry Patch Village residents will be celebrating with a Red Lobster Luncheon
All Residents and Staff wish everyone a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
A Zephyr and Strawberry Resident dress up for Halloween 2013
Carlton of Strawberry Patch and Barbara of Zephyr Apartments had a great time dressing up for Halloween. Carlton went to the Northampton Senior Center for a big Halloween Costume Luncheon.
Barbara went to the local dinner for breakfast .
Strawberry Resident Helen wins one Billion Dollars
10/29/13 Strawberry Patch Village resident Helen won her second Billion Dollars playing Hoyle Computer Casino. She won her first Billion in October 2012. When asked what she would do if she actually won a Billion she replied, "go to the Casino". The most annoying thing is having to start to build your till up so you can bet #1000 at a time. We wish her luck and hope that Helen wins her third Billion by 10/29/2014.
Zephyr Resident Receives Award
Resident Kris Hillard, has won 2013 scholarships from The Michaels Org, NAHMA Scholarship, and as of 10/18/13 received the 2013 Goodwill Treasures Honoree award. Kris got up to receive her plaque and was surprised when her acceptance speech, made in front of 300 people, earned her a standing ovation. We wish Kris well in her Photography and encourage her to keep up the good work.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
NATW August 6th, 2013
Watch for my next post, I will attempt to get pics on my blog from their NATW social. It is a work in progress!!! In other words under construction!!!!
Yahoo I did it! Pictures!
Zephyr Bingo NATW night |
Z Bingo Night |
SPV Game Night |
SPV Game night |
SPV Game night Dominos |
August 4th couldn't come fast enough for us. Are you one of the millions that patiently waits for SHARK WEEK on the Discovery Channel? . My family and I love to watch all the different shows and oooooooh and ahhhhhh over the different programs offered. Searching the web for sites to go to for shark footage is abundant. If you think about it you really don't have to wait for next year to get your SHARK fix, come to the Computer Center and ask me to hook you up.
This years possibility that the MEGELADON may still be alive is a HUGE topic in our house. Sunday night's show had us wondering if the HUGE animal speared and dove with a whale carcass 6500 plus feet below the surface was Iitin fact a Megeladon? Or the Monday night show that constructed a metal and fabric Megaladon based on the size of one tooth found at a private excavation site. The experts gauged that the tooth found would have to come from a shark with a jaw 8 foot wide and 6 feet tall. Holy Jaws! We were blown away at the size of the mouth constructed that may come at you from the murky deep. I don't know about you but I will not put a toe in the ocean again in my lifetime. Check out the Discovery Channel or go online to and check out this year's show line up for SHARK WEEK.
This years possibility that the MEGELADON may still be alive is a HUGE topic in our house. Sunday night's show had us wondering if the HUGE animal speared and dove with a whale carcass 6500 plus feet below the surface was Iitin fact a Megeladon? Or the Monday night show that constructed a metal and fabric Megaladon based on the size of one tooth found at a private excavation site. The experts gauged that the tooth found would have to come from a shark with a jaw 8 foot wide and 6 feet tall. Holy Jaws! We were blown away at the size of the mouth constructed that may come at you from the murky deep. I don't know about you but I will not put a toe in the ocean again in my lifetime. Check out the Discovery Channel or go online to and check out this year's show line up for SHARK WEEK.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Alex's Lemonade Stand July 2013 Fundraiser
Strawberry Patch Village Co-President/ Treasurer Marie Serving Lemonade in our Lobby. |
SPV Lobby Door |
Zephyr Pantry |
Zephyr Apartments Morning Gamers saved coins and bought muffins for this worthy cause. Many not drinking the lemonade but giving for the sake of the kids.
Thank you to all the people that donated and we will do this again next summer...
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Always Best Care Visits Strawberry and Zephyr Apartments
Vanessa Taylor owner of Always Best Care was our guest speaker for the month of July. Always Best Care provides non-medical in home personal assisstance. Services include Bathing, Comfort Care, Companionship, Deressing, and Transportation for a more extensive list of this companies services please go to the Always Best Care web site An Always Best Care representative will call and meet with you, one on one, to see what level of care you are requesting for you or a family member.
Always Best Care also provides a " FREE, YES, I DID SAY FREE ", daily phone call service for those living on their own, check out the web site to sign up for this free daily service.
Vanessa also advised our residents that Lehigh County Area on Aging has an Aging Waiver Program that assesses Seniors to see if they qualify for Always Best Care Services FREE of charge. Always Best Care can also assist you to set up an appointment with the LHCAA waiver program.
Always Best Care also provides a " FREE, YES, I DID SAY FREE ", daily phone call service for those living on their own, check out the web site to sign up for this free daily service.
Vanessa also advised our residents that Lehigh County Area on Aging has an Aging Waiver Program that assesses Seniors to see if they qualify for Always Best Care Services FREE of charge. Always Best Care can also assist you to set up an appointment with the LHCAA waiver program.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Announcing an upcoming event Alex's Lemonade Stand
July 16 & 18 at Zephyr Apartments Event # E113849
July 15th to 19th at Strawberry Patch Village Event # E113847
Please go to Alex's Lemonade Stand site: @ use our event numbers listed above and donate to this worthy cause.
July 15th to 19th at Strawberry Patch Village Event # E113847
Please go to Alex's Lemonade Stand site: @ use our event numbers listed above and donate to this worthy cause.
July 2013 Happenings...
Zephyr/Eagle Apartments will start the month off with:
Strawberry Patch Village's month looks like this:
- Bingo luncheon for the residents on July 3rd, followed by a surprise Sugar Free Birthday Cake for Zephyr's go-to resident David (Tiny) Walters
- July 3rd 3pm Rental Office Closes at 3PM
- July 4th finds the Rental Office Closed until Monday July 8th at 9am
- July 9th is the RA Officers meeting at 11am
- July 10th is the July Breakfast Brunch at 11:30 am
- July 10th 1pm Speaker from Best Home Care Vanessa
- July 16th and 19th is Alex's Lemonade Stand 10-11:30am
- July 17th 2nd Harvest Food Bank
Strawberry Patch Village's month looks like this:
- July 3rd at 3pm Rental Office Closed
- July 4th closed until thru July 8th and opens at 9am
- July 12th is the Breakfast Brunch at 11:30am
- July 12th 1pm Speaker from Best Home Care Vanessa
- July 15th to 19th Alex's Lemonade Stand 1:30-3pm daily
- July 17th 2nd Harvest Food Bank
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
May 2013
May has us celebrating:
Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day!.
Monthly Site Events:
May 1st- Zephyr had a Spaghetti Bingo Luncheon
May 5th- Cinco de Mayo
May 7th- Z RAO meeting 11am
May 8th- Z RA Social 1pm
May 10th- Strawberry Carmen's take out lunch 12 noon, Social 1pm with 50/50 drawing
May 12th- Happy Mother's Day to all our Residents
May 18th- Armed Forces Day- Pleas remember all our current and past service people
May 27th- Memorial Day- Rental Office Closed- Be safe when celebrating the holiday
Monday's Z Bingo 5:30-7:30pm
S Exercise 10am
Tuesday's Z NNCTC 9-12noon
Z Rummy card Ladies 10-12
S NNCTC 1:30-4:30pm
S Card Ladies 2-5pm
S Poker Men 2-4pm
Wednesday's S Exercise 10am
S Bingo 1:30-3pm
Thursday's Z NNCTC 9-12noon
Z Rummy card Ladies 10-12
S NNCTC 1:30-4:30pm
S Card Ladies 2-5pm
S Poker Men 2-4pm
Friday Z Shuffle Board 1-3
Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day!.
Monthly Site Events:
May 1st- Zephyr had a Spaghetti Bingo Luncheon
May 5th- Cinco de Mayo
May 7th- Z RAO meeting 11am
May 8th- Z RA Social 1pm
May 10th- Strawberry Carmen's take out lunch 12 noon, Social 1pm with 50/50 drawing
May 12th- Happy Mother's Day to all our Residents
May 18th- Armed Forces Day- Pleas remember all our current and past service people
May 27th- Memorial Day- Rental Office Closed- Be safe when celebrating the holiday
Monday's Z Bingo 5:30-7:30pm
S Exercise 10am
Tuesday's Z NNCTC 9-12noon
Z Rummy card Ladies 10-12
S NNCTC 1:30-4:30pm
S Card Ladies 2-5pm
S Poker Men 2-4pm
Wednesday's S Exercise 10am
S Bingo 1:30-3pm
Thursday's Z NNCTC 9-12noon
Z Rummy card Ladies 10-12
S NNCTC 1:30-4:30pm
S Card Ladies 2-5pm
S Poker Men 2-4pm
Friday Z Shuffle Board 1-3
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
March Newsletters for Strawberry, Zephyr & Eagle
Strawberry Patch Village
Resident Updates-
· We say a fond farewell to Catherine S Apt 304. Catherine has moved to
assisted living. Catherine has lived at Strawberry Patch since January 1999.
· We send well wishes to Helen, Ben Marie, Elaine, and Ernie. We wish you a speedy recovery.
March Events
8– Resident Association Officers meeting 10am
10– Turn your clocks ahead
15– Resident Association Social, Speaker from Untied Way about Medical Benefits check up 1pm please bring a snack for the table otherwise only coffee and water will be served. Chinese Auction 25 cents per ticket.
20– 2nd harvest Food Box delivery pick up after 1pm
Ongoing Monthly Events
Bingo– every Wednesday 1:30 to 3pm. This is a resident run program and if cancelled the notice will be on the auto door. Please do not call the office to see if Bingo is cancelled, look for the notice.
Exercise– Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am in the Community ROOM, Senior Friendly Video Exercise.
Computer Center- Tuesday and Thursday 1:30pm to 4:30 pm Come check your e-mails, make cards, play games or just come visit!
Li-heap– deadline for forms to be mailed out is 3/31/13. Donna can get blank forms on-line for you if you didn’t get them in the mail. Please note that this rebate goes directly into your PPL account you do not receive a check.
Snow & Ice- Please note if it is not an emergency do not travel the roads. No trip to the store or doctors is worth you getting on the road.
Front Parking Lot– Please advise your family members and aides that there is to be NO parking in the front lot. This is for residents only. There is plenty of parking behind the 300-400 and community room for all visitors to park. This also applies to the weekends.
Lobby Bathrooms– Lobby bathrooms are to be used in an Emergency only, or when you are using the Community Room. Management will lock the Lobby Bathrooms if they are not kept clean, by tenants or visitors.
Garbage– Please note there are 2 bins one for garbage and one for recycles. Please do not throw your garbage in the recycle bin.
Residents– When moving out please throw all you unwanted items in the garbage bin NOT the recycle bin. Please think of donating your unwanted items to any of the local donation sites which are listed in the yellow ages.
Zephyr Apartments
Resident Updates:
New residents have moved into our building!!!!
Richard Apt 310 and Judith Apt 301. If you see them in the building please introduce your self and make them feel welcome.
Sad News came our way the last week of February, former resident Catherine Woodley passed away. She was a long time resident of Zephyr in Apt. 212, she was a good friend to many of our residents, and very active in the resident association, she was always ready with a smile and kind word. She will be missed by many of the residents who still live in Zephyr.
Monthly events
12– resident Association Officers Meeting 11am
13– 1 pm Resident Association Meeting and speaker from United Way talking about Benefits Check up, please bring dessert
20– 2nd Harvest Food Bank delivery after 1pm
22– Corbett All Units will be entered by Corbett and a staff member 9-4pm
22– Resident Association Easter Candy Delivery– Hopefully you all placed a pre-order
Ongoing Events
Bingo—Monday Nights 5:30-7:30pm
Candy Making- Please check with Penny, Pat or Carol if you are interested in help make or package candy for sale.
Computer Center– Hours 9am to 12 noon Tuesdays & Thursdays. Come share some laughs with the Rummy card group that also plays during this time, or put pieces in our puzzle, check your e-mails, research on the internet, play computer games, get copies made for 10 cents, make cards for $1, or just stop by and say HI!
Li-heap– deadline for forms to be mailed out is 3/31/13. Donna can get blank forms on-line for you if you didn’t get them in the mail. Please note that this rebate goes directly into your PPL account you do not receive a check.
Rent Rebate– Donna is collecting Landlord sheets to be filled out NOW, but will return them in February. Please hand them to Donna or drop them in the Rent Rebate/Li-heap box on her desk at Strawberry Patch. For all those who didn’t get a booklet or the forms in the mail Donna can get them off the internet for you. Please remember that these checks do not go out until after the July Holiday.
Snow & Ice- Please note if it is not an emergency do not travel the roads. No trip to the store or doctors is worth you getting on the road.
Ongoing Building Concerns
· Please be advised that the bathrooms in the front hall are for use by visitors, community room guests and residents. Please clean up after yourself if you make a mess in the bathroom. Treat the public bathroom like your own and keep it neat and clean. Maintenance should not have to clean up a mess left in the bathroom.
· Parking in the back lot, there are to be NO AIDES, FAMILY MEMBERS OR VISITORS parked in the back lot it is for Zephyr Residents ONLY!!!!!
· Hall heaters are to take a chill off the hall not to be turned up and heated like your apartment. Please leave your apartment dressed for the season.
· Slamming of Fire Doors from 8pm to 8am. Please be aware that your fellow residents are sleeping, relaxing, watching tv or having visitors. Please be mindful of the noise you are making by slamming the fire doors.
· Please do not buzz anyone you do not know into the building. There have been a few people let in that roam the building. Even if you know the person DO NOT LET THEM IN. ALL VISITORS MUST BE BUZZED IN BY THE PERSON THEY WANT TO VISIT!
· If you are having phone or cable personnel hook yup or disconnect your service and you are given a date they will be coming call the Rental Office with that date. Those service people have to be accompanied by maintenance staff into the cable/phone rooms.
Eagle Apartments
Ongoing Events
Corbett– 3/22/13 from 9-4 Apt 1,7,8
Zephyr Computer Center– Hours 9am to 12 noon Tuesdays & Thursdays. Come share some laughs with the Rummy card group that also plays during this time, or put pieces in our puzzle, check your e-mails, research on the internet, play computer games, get copies made for 10 cents, make cards for $1, or just stop by and say HI! Eagle residents please call the rental Office ahead of time to be let into the building.
Ongoing Building Concerns
· Parking in the side lot, there are to be NO AIDES, FAMILY MEMBERS OR VISITORS parked in the side lot it is for Eagle Residents ONLY!!!!!
· Hall heaters are to take a chill off the hall not to be turned up and heated like your apartment. Please leave your apartment dressed for the season.
· Please call in work orders for the building or your apartment in a timely manner.
Li-heap– deadline for forms to be mailed out is 3/31/13. Donna can get blank forms on-line for you if you didn’t get them in the mail. Please note that this rebate goes directly into your PPL account you do not receive a check.
Rent Rebate– Donna is collecting Landlord sheets to be filled out NOW, but will return them in February. Please hand them to Donna or drop them in the Rent Rebate/Li-heap box on her desk at Strawberry Patch. For all those who didn’t get a booklet or the forms in the mail Donna can get them off the internet for you. Please remember that these checks do not go out until after the July Holiday.
Snow & Ice- Please note if it is not an emergency do not travel the roads. No trip to the store or doctors is worth you getting on the road.
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