Vanessa Taylor owner of Always Best Care was our guest speaker for the month of July. Always Best Care provides non-medical in home personal assisstance. Services include Bathing, Comfort Care, Companionship, Deressing, and Transportation for a more extensive list of this companies services please go to the Always Best Care web site An Always Best Care representative will call and meet with you, one on one, to see what level of care you are requesting for you or a family member.
Always Best Care also provides a " FREE, YES, I DID SAY FREE ", daily phone call service for those living on their own, check out the web site to sign up for this free daily service.
Vanessa also advised our residents that Lehigh County Area on Aging has an Aging Waiver Program that assesses Seniors to see if they qualify for Always Best Care Services FREE of charge. Always Best Care can also assist you to set up an appointment with the LHCAA waiver program.