As we started a New Year we wish everyone a happy and healthy one. I started the New Year off having Linda and Physical Therapist Jason come to Strawberry and Zephyr. To teach our seniors chair exercise at our January socials. Linda has scheduled exercise with both sites until April offering senior exercises to keep us limber and moving. I was invited to tour and eat lunch at Senior Life in Bethlehem, PA. What a nice experience. The morning room was active with all the seniors participating in music appreciation, that days feature artist was Elvis. Everyone was excited for lunch and the early return home due to the impending snow that was expected that evening. The staff were warm and friendly, many helping those seniors that needed one on one help. It was nice to see one of our residents that attends the center. Senior Life staff are anxiously awaiting the completion of their new, larger and updated center which is being built on Airport Road. The new site will be able to cater to more seniors as their the Senior Life program grows.
Please check out the web site for further information